Monday, January 23, 2012

It's been a while

I haven't posted lately but I guess I'm just too embarrassed to show my presence on blogger, I'm a failure and I've let everyone every way imaginable.

I've let my parents down by
1. Going out too much (when I rarely go out maybe once a month)
2. Not working enough (last week I worked 64 hours)
3. Not eating enough (when clearly I have been, I'm the size of a fucking hippo)
4. Not being responsible enough ( oh that's okay I have 3 jobs, I go to University and I am currently in training to work for the 3rd largest company in the world)

I've let my boyfriend down by
1. Not being pretty enough
2. Being overweight
3. Being too lazy
4. Working too much
5. Being too temperamental

I've let my friends down by
1. Working too much
2. Not going out enough
3. Seeing my boyfriend too much
4. Being a dog

I've let bloggers down by
1. Being absent for way too long
2. Being an uncontrollable fat pig
3. Being a sad, lazy, whiny pig who doesn't do anything to help herself.

woo hoo. I fucking love life and my body and my family and my friends and I just LOVE waking up to my hippopotamus body every single day.

And that's just a few ways I have let people down.

So here I am, welcome back you fat whore.

Tomorrow, I'm going for a run and not eating anymore than 500 calories.

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